Let me be honest here: You could be a non-binary person. There's nothing stopping you.

Is that really what you want?

If you’re at this point, and if your wish is sincere, it’s because there’s some part of you that really wants to live as a non-binary person. And that’s totally okay. You can be non-binary if you want to, and we’ll help you get there.

Nothing's permanent about this decision.

If you decide you don't like it, you can always choose to stop being non-binary. There is always a path back. Nobody but you can permanently change your gender, and nobody can trick you into wanting to being non-binary if you didn't before. All we can do is help you reconnect with your own existing desire. No matter how you found this site, this is your decision. Nobody else should make it but you.

You can always come back later if you’re not ready yet. You are 100% valid no matter what you choose.

If you’re ready, go make some tea, sit down in a quiet calm place, and give yourself as much time as you need.

I want to be non-binary!

No, wait! This isn’t for me!

If you're not sure, consider the following questions: